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How to use midjourney?

how to use midjourney?

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney AI is a cutting-edge technology company that is revolutionizing the way businesses operate. With a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is helping companies across industries streamline their processes and make data-driven decisions.

One of the key areas where M.J excels is in the field of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a subfield of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and humans through the use of natural language. This includes tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis. M.J  has developed advanced NLP algorithms that allow businesses to better understand customer sentiment and improve customer experience.

Another area where Midjourney is making waves is in the realm of predictive analytics. By using machine learning techniques, M.J is able to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about future trends and outcomes. This can be invaluable for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their operations.

how to use midjourney But M.J capabilities don’t stop there. The company is also a leader in the development of computer vision technology, which allows computers to understand and interpret images and videos. This technology has numerous applications, from automating quality control processes in manufacturing to improving the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

So what sets M.J  apart from other AI companies? For starters, the company has a highly skilled and experienced team of data scientists and engineers. This team is dedicated to constantly improving M.J  technology and finding new ways to apply it to real-world problems.

In addition, Midjourney is committed to ethical and responsible AI. The company recognizes the potential risks and consequences of AI, and works to ensure that its technology is used in a way that benefits society and upholds ethical standards.

Overall, M.J  is a company that is poised to make a significant impact on the AI landscape. With its focus on NLP, predictive analytics, and computer vision, M.J  is helping businesses across industries harness the power of AI to drive growth and innovation. It is definitely a company to watch in the coming years.

how to use midjourney
midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

how to use midjourney
midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

how to use midjourney
midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

How to use midjourney AI art?

M.J is a research laboratory that investigates new forms of expression and enhances the creative abilities of humankind. The organization offers two methods for utilizing its tools: the M.J Bot, which can be used to generate pictures, and the web application at https://www.midjourney.com/, which features a gallery of users’ own works and those of other users. 

The M.J Bot can be accessed on the official Discord server (https://discord.gg/midjourney) and on any other Discord server where it has been installed. If you wish to invite the bot to your own community, follow the instructions on this page: Use M.J on your own Discord Server. It is important to adhere to the Code of Conduct, which includes refraining from behavior that is rude or inappropriate, not using the tools to create content that could be offensive or controversial, showing respect towards others and the team, and familiarizing oneself with the Full Content Guidelines. 

The #rules, #faq, #announcements, and #status channels on the official M.J Discord server provide additional information. 

Once you begin using the tool, you will be able to create a limited number of images before needing to subscribe. Approximately 25 free uses of the /imagine command or other queries (variations, upscales) are available. These uses are also referred to as “jobs” or “GPU-minutes.” If you are not already on a Discord server with the M.J  Bot, you can join the official M.J Discord server using this link: https://discord.gg/midjourney.

how to use midjourney
midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

Generate your first ai art

Upon initiating usage of the tool, you will have the ability to generate a limited number of images before requiring a subscription. There are approximately 25 free uses of the /imagine command or other queries (variations, upscales) available, which are also referred to as “jobs” or “GPU-minutes.”

If you are already on a Discord server where the M.J Bot has been installed, proceed to step 1.

If you are uncertain if you are already on a Discord server with the bot, you can join the official M.J Discord server using this link: https://discord.gg/midjourney.

midjourney commands
1. open one of the #newbies channels from the sidebar

If you are unable to locate the #newbies channels on the official M.J  Discord server, it is recommended that you try restarting your Discord app.

If this does not resolve the issue, it is possible that you are not on the official server. However, this is not a problem. You can still utilize the tool to generate images on another server that has invited and set up the M.J  Bot.

For further instructions, you may consult the documentation on that server or request assistance from more experienced users who can guide you toward one of the Bot channels on that server.

Alternatively, you can add the bot to your own server by following the instructions provided here: Documentation 

2. /imagine Command

To utilize the M.J Bot, you must utilize a Discord Slash Command in a channel designated for bots, such as #newbies-1. Begin typing /imagine and a prompt will appear above your text.

To proceed, click or tap on the /imagine option and a field for input will be generated. You can then input the desired subject matter for the bot to generate, as demonstrated in the video below.

midjourney ai discord midjourney bot commands midjourney v4 goapps

It is essential to adhere to the Content and Moderation policy, which dictates that all content must be appropriate for a general audience and avoid potentially disturbing imagery. This policy is applicable regardless of the location in which the Bot is being utilized.

To initiate the prompt field, you can try using the Spacebar, Tab, or Enter keys. Note that bot slash commands will only function within bot channels. For example, using the command “/imagine” will not work in regular channels, such as #trial-support.
When you are satisfied with the prompt you have entered, press Enter or send the message to submit your request to the M.J  Bot. The bot will then begin generating the requested images.
3. Allow the Midjourney Bot to Process Your Request

Please wait while the bot generates four options based on your prompt, which may take up to a minute to complete.


4. Increase the Quality or Create Different Versions of Your Image

Once a 2×2 grid of images has been generated, two rows of buttons will become visible:

  • The top row contains the buttons U1, U2, U3, and U4, which can be used to upscale the selected image. Upscaling an image generates a larger version of the image with roughly 1024×1024 pixels, and also typically introduces additional details.
  • The bottom row contains the buttons V1, V2, V3, and V4, which can be used to create variations of the chosen image. These variations are similar in overall style and composition to the selected image, and four new images will be generated.

midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

Upon using a U button to upscale an image, you will be presented with additional options:

midjourney ai discord
midjourney bot commands
midjourney v4

  • The option “Make Variations” serves the same purpose as the V buttons, generating new alternatives in a grid.
  • “Upscale to Max” increases the resolution of the image to an even larger size of roughly 1664×1664 pixels.
  • “Light Upscale Redo” performs another upscaling operation, starting from the beginning and adding less detail compared to the previous upscaling.


Utilizing these buttons will consume some of your allocated 25 free jobs. You can check the number of remaining uses by using the command "/info" in the same manner as you used "/imagine

5. Save Your Image

To view the image at its full size, you can click on it. Then, you can right-click and select “Save image” to save it to your local computer. If you are using a mobile device, you can tap the image and then tap the download icon (📩) located in the top right corner.

The upscaled image (and the images in the 2×2 grid) will be immediately visible in your website gallery at midjourney.com/app after you sign in with Discord.

6. Send Results to Your Direct Messages

You can request that the M.J Bot send you a Discord direct message with the final results by reacting with the envelope emoji (✉) to one of the bot’s messages that includes a completed generation. This can be done for both single upscaled images and 2×2 grids, as demonstrated below.

how to use midjourney

7. Become a Paid Subscriber to Generate More Images

You currently have 25 free job postings that do not have an expiration date. However, they will not automatically renew once they have been used. Once you have used all of your free job postings, you can purchase a membership by using the /subscribe command in any of the Bot channels. To access your subscription page, follow the link provided by Midjourney. For more information on pricing and licensing, please visit the billing and licensing page.

8. As a subscriber, you have the option to engage in a personalized interaction with the bot

As a paid subscriber, you have the opportunity to utilize the bot through private direct messaging, rather than in a public channel with others. However, it is important to note that any images created within your direct messages are still subject to the same content and moderation regulations and will be displayed on your M.J  website gallery.

Presented by GoApps 


  • Japanese Old Man
    August 6, 2018

    He say u Bureido-runna?

    • Deccard
      August 6, 2018

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